Foreign Exchange and Money Market
Foreign Exchange and Money Market
Treasury provides foreign exchange services for all currencies included in the Eurobank Direktna a.d. Beograd exchange rate list.
Foreign exchange quotes are based on real-time market conditions, which allow our clients to have prompt and precise prices as well as all relevant information about market movements.
Taking into account risks of interest and foreign exchange rates fluctuations our clients are facing, we are offering the following hedging solutions, which should suit their daily business needs:
FX Forward
An agreement to exchange one currency for another, where the exchange rate is fixed on the day of the contract, but the actual exchange takes place on a predetermined date in the future.
Interest Rate Swap
Interest rate swap represents the exchange of interest payments based on floating and fixed interest rates without the exchange of underlying notional principal. Enables predictability of cash flows as well as fixing the cost of financing that is linked to the floating interest rate regardless its fluctuation.
Interest Rate Cap
Interest Rate Cap is limiting increase of floating interest rate (for example Euribor). In case that Euribor is higher than the cap at the end of every calculation period the bank is paying the difference to the client. For buying such protection client pays upfront premium. Interest Rate Cap provides unlimited upside protection for floating interest rate above the agreed cap.
Refundable Interest Rate Cap
Refundable Interest Rate Cap is limiting increase of floating interest rate (for example Euribor). In case that Euribor is higher than the cap at the end of every calculation period the bank is paying the difference to the client. For buying such protection client pays upfront premium. Refundable Interest Rate Cap provides unlimited upside protection for floating interest rate above the agreed cap. If protection has never been activated during the life of the trade (at the end of every calculation period Euribor is lower or equal to the agreed cap) client will receive back the premium paid on trade date.
Knock Out Interest Rate Cap
Knock Out Interest Rate Cap is limiting increase of floating interest rate (for example Euribor). In case that Euribor is higher than the cap and lower than the knock out barrier at the end of every calculation period the bank is paying the difference to the client. Premium that is paid for buying this product is lower than premium for Interest Rate Cap. Knock Out Interest Rate Cap provides upside protection for floating interest rate between the agreed cap and knock out barrier.
Refundable Knock Out Interest Rate Cap
Refundable Knock Out Interest Rate Cap is limiting increase of floating interest rate (for example Euribor). In case that Euribor is higher than the cap and lower than the knock out barrier at the end of every calculation period the bank is paying the difference to the client. For buying such protection client pays upfront premium. Refundable Knock Out Interest Rate Cap provides upside protection for floating interest rate between the agreed cap and knock out barrier. If protection has never been activated during the life of the trade (at the end of every calculation period Euribor is lower or equal to the agreed cap) client will receive back the premium paid on trade date.