On every clerk of Eurobank Direktna you have facility of using a modern system of paying in internal payments by payment order as an instrument for paying.
Loro payment order
Loro payment order means sending orders from abroad by a local bank. Eurobank Direktna make receipts and reimbursements of resources which are paid abroad on behalf of the client – i.e. loro payment, on foreign account from abroad. Payment orders you can receive from anywhere from abroad, and payment is made in original currency or RSD’s (as per clients request).
Nosto payment order
Nosto payment order, means sending of payment orders from country to abroad by representative of local bank. Reason of paying can be different for exp. gifts, medical costs abroad, scholarships, registration fee, subsistence of household members, etc. Authorization for payment is made by submitting required documentation in 48 hours. For this service there is a provision fee in with valid bank tariff.